French Skyscraper HESLO: Helicopter Underslung Load

French Skyscraper HESLO: Helicopter Underslung Load

A stunning video, from Bouygues Construction, shows the construction of the the tower on top of the €124 million Incity building in Lyon, the third highest in France.  The last two components of the tower were lifted into place by an Airbus Helicopters AS332C  helicopter on Sunday 21 June 2015 as a Helicopter External Sling Load Operation (HESLO).  The spire, which is 50 metres high and weights a total of 25.9 tonnes, took the building to its final height of 200 metres. incity 9 incity 2 incity 7 incity 6 incity 8 incity 4 incity 3 incity 1

Aerossurance has previously written about the replacement of a TV antenna on a 153m tower in Croydon South London by helicopter, the use of helicopter human external cargo by a power company in California and a UK lighthouse support contract.

Also see our articles: What the HEC?! – Human External CargoKeep Your Eyes on the Hook! Underslung External Load Safety 

UPDATE 2 July 2020: Erickson videos:

Aerossurance has extensive air safety, helicopter operations (inc HESLO) and contracting experience.  For practical aviation advice you can trust, contact us at: