To support the UK MOD, Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) Project Teams, their Front Line Command (FLC) customers & their suppliers, Aerossurance has extensive experience with recent Military Type Certifications, modification & trials programmes and the operation of military platforms. We understand the UK MAA Regulatory Publications (MRPs) & their implications.
Aerossurance can provide airworthiness expertise in the areas of:
- Military Type Certification to the UK MAA RA1500 Military Aircraft Certification Process (MACP), including for civil derivative types, assessing the ‘military deltas’ of configuration & usage
- Technical & contracting guidance on the MRPs & the MAA regulatory process
- Preparation & review of Alternative Acceptable Means of Compliance (A-AMCs)
- Independent Technical Evaluation & Independent Safety Auditor services
- Establishing & managing Military Registered Civil Owned Aircraft (MRCOA) & civil oversight arrangements (as per UK MAA RA1124 and UK CAA Leaflet B-40)
- Gaining & maintain DAOS & MAOS approvals
- Determining the contractual and procedural implications of changes in the MRPs
- Oversight of transitionary arrangements for privatised activities
- Establishing internal airworthiness procedures
- Internal quality system audit & MRP compliance verification
Aerossurance is proud to support the armed forces community be being a signatory of the Armed Forces Corporate Covenant.