Offshore Helicopter Safety
For a multitude of reasons, the offshore helicopter sector operates in one of the most demanding and challenging safety environments. Consequently deep domain knowledge is key to successful and safe operations.
Some of the challenges are apparent by studying past offshore helicopter safety reports, such as:
- UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) CAP491: Helicopter Airworthiness Review Panel Report published in 1984. The HARP report focused on a range of airworthiness / design matters.
- UK CAA CAP641: Review of Helicopter Offshore Safety & Survival published in 1995. The RHOSS report focused on survivability matters.
- Norwegian research institute SINTEF‘s Helicopter Safety Study 3, issued in 2010. The HSS-3 was the third Norwegian study published over two decades. HSS-1 covered 1966-1990 and HSS-2 1990-1998.
- UK CAA CAP1145 ‘Safety review of offshore public transport helicopter operations in support of the exploitation of oil and gas’, issued 2014 (as discussed in our follow up articles on the 2015 CAP1243 progress report and the 2016 CAP1386 progress report).
Aerossurance has been closely involved in the development of the Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) Basic Aviation Risk Standard for Offshore Helicopter Operations (BARSOHO), launched in May 2015. BARSOHO is orientated around a risk bow-tie, contains a number of common and specific threat controls.
We are pleased to be an active member of HeliOffshore. The HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model and the associated HeliOffshore Safety Strategy, were influenced by the BARSOHO bow-tie.
Another influence was work done by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to create an offshore helicopter Safety Risk Portfolio (which we have previously discussed).
Aerossurance presented on helicopter safety at the 10th EASA Rotorcraft Symposium in December 2016. This chart from that presentation shows data from UK CAA‘s CAP1145 report, updated with fatal accidents and usages estimates since 2012.
It does illustrate the challenge when comparing offshore helicopter safety data for individual countries, even nations with big offshore helicopter fleets, in that the accident rate can be significantly influenced by just one accident.
Aerossurance and Offshore Helicopter Safety
Aerossurance is an aviation consultancy based in Aberdeen, Scotland with a close and long connection with offshore helicopter operations and uniquely deep and diverse experience in all aspects of safe and efficient offshore helicopter operations.
Aerossurance’s Offshore Helicopter Expertise
Aerossurance’s proven expertise includes:
- Operations: With proven hands on experience managing, regulating and contracting safe and efficient offshore helicopter operations globally.
- Design, Certification and Continued Airworthiness: We have extensive experience in the design, certification and continued airworthiness of helicopters, their engines, equipment and special mission role modifications.
- Continuing Airworthiness and Maintenance: We brings senior management experience in helicopter continuing airworthiness management and maintenance organisations.
- HUMS and HFDM: We have many years experience with all aspects of Helicopter Health and Usage Monitoring (HUMS), Vibration Health Monitoring (VHM), Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring (IVHM) and Helicopter Flight Data Monitoring (HFDM). This includes research and development, system design and operations.
- Safety, Risk, Standards and Operational Excellence: We have proven worldwide hands-on experience with offshore helicopter safety management, safety assurance, risk management emergency response, safety investigation and safety analysis. We have extensive experience in organisational culture & leadership development in the offshore sector. We have a proven track record of developing offshore helicopter standards, operating procedures and facilitating improvements.
- Regulation: We have provided expertise in the development, interpretation and implementation of regulations in multiple jurisdictions.
- Contracting: We have helped numerous international blue chip companies identify their offshore helicopter operational requirements, go to tender, evaluate bids (both aircraft and air operators) and place contracts with confidence. We are providing on-going insightful technical and assurance support for customers contracting offshore helicopter operations around the world.
See also our LinkedIn Offshore Helicopter Safety Showcase page.
To discuss how we can help your business please contact us.