EHEST: New Publications on Technology & SMS

European Helicopter Safety Team (EHEST) Issues New Publications on Technology & SMS


EHEST have released two new publications, one on accident reducing technologies and the other on SMS for non-complex operators:

The Potential of Technologies to Mitigate Helicopter Accident Factors – An EHEST Study

EHEST created a Specialist Team Technology (ST Technology) to assess the potential of existing and emerging technologies to mitigate the top 20 helicopter safety issues identified from EHEST helicopter accident analyses. The team has created a technology matrix that includes 145 technologies, of which 93 have been rated to determine their Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and has published its results in a new report.

EHEST report that:

There are 15 ‘highly promising’ technologies (that jointly can potentially mitigate 11 of the top 20 safety issues), and 50 that are ‘moderately promising’. Five technologies are highly promising for three or more safety issues.

The industry is highly recommended to channel their technological development in line with the results of the study. The regulatory side should find ways to improve safety by adopting the technologies. Researchers and universities are encouraged to concentrate their efforts on developing the lacking technologies and the technologies which have a low Technology Readiness Level.

Safety Management Toolkit for Non-Complex Operators

EHEST have released the second edition of their Safety Management Toolkit for Non-Complex Operators.  It consists of a Safety Management Manual (SMM), a Guidance Document and an Emergency Response Plan.

This manual for non-complex helicopter operators is derived from the more comprehensive SMM for complex operators. Although reduced in complexity the non-complex SMM is still fully compliant to the EU and EASA requirements.

EHEST Background

Launched in November 2006, EHEST brings together helicopter manufacturers, operators, research organisations, regulators, accident investigators and a few military operators from across Europe. EHEST is the helicopter arm of the European Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI), and also the European component of the International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST).

If you want to support the EHEST’s work and learn more about helicopter safety join the EHEST LinkedIn Group.

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