Safety Management International Collaboration Group Industry Day
The Safety Management International Collaboration Group (SM ICG) held its fourth Industry Day with representatives from 27 European aviation industry organizations on 16 May 2014 in Bern, Switzerland. The SMICG is a group of 14 aviation regulatory bodies, formed in 2009 to promote a common understanding of safety management principles and requirements, facilitating their application across the international aviation community.
The speakers at the fourth Industry Day were:
- Rainer Lindau, Vice President Quality Management, Lufthansa Technik (Sustainable Implementation of Safety Management)
- David Lambourne, Specialist Airworthiness Engineer, Rolls-Royce plc (Safety Risk Management – Challenges in a Multi-Sector Business)
- Bartolomeo Ferreri, Captain and Safety Officer, INAER (Setup of an Integrated SMS in the Experience of a Helicopter Operator: Tools for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Internal Investigation of Events) Paper not online
- Yvan Boishu, Flight Safety Risk Manager, Air France (SMS and Risk Assessment Automation)
- Captain Martin Timmons, Technical Manager – Safety, Ryanair (Ryanair’s Perspective on Effective Safety Risk Management)
- Captain Kemal Helvacıoğlu, Vice President Safety (SMS)/Quality and Compliance, Pegasus Airlines (Risk Based Approach to Management System)
- Antonio Härry, Head of Quality and Safety, SR Technics (Practical Application of Safety Risk Management at SR Technics)
Details of previous events in 2013 can be found here:
- Industry Day in The Hague, Netherlands – April 19, 2013
- Industry Day in Seattle, Washington – October 25, 2013
UPDATE January 2015: First SMICG ‘Industry Day’ Outreach Event Held in South America
The SMICG held its fifth Industry Day with representatives from 15 South and Central American aviation industry organizations and one European company on 12 December 2014 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The materials from this session are linked below:
- Full Industry Day Article
- Briefing Abstracts and Presenter Biographies
- SM ICG Overview Presentation by Simon Roberts (UK CAA)
- SMS: How to Engage in All Levels by Wagner Flores (Helibrás a subsidiary of Airbus Helicopters)
- Embraer Experience With SMS Implementation by Fábio Catani (Embraer)
- Airlines Approach to Implementing an Effective SMS by Hector Hidalgo Medellin (Avianca)
- Integrated Safety and Security Assurance by Daniel Guillaumon (TAM Airlines)
- Safety Management System – Challenges and Perspectives – GRU Airport by Marcos Eugenio de Abreu (Guarulhos Airport)
- SMS Implementation at GOL by Captain Dan Guzzo Comite (GOL Airlines)
- Strategic Risk Management Using Bow-Tie Risk Models by Yvan Boishu (Air France)
UPDATE August 2015: Sixth SMICG ‘Industry Day’ in Cologne
The SMICG held its sixth Industry Day on 22 May 2015 at EASA in Cologne with representatives from 41 organisations. Jean-Marc Cluzeau from the Strategy and Safety Management Directorate at EASA welcomed participants saying:
Safety promotion and training are key issues and we are working on these…We are eager to work with [industry] and learn from your safety management experience from the field. We know you will continue to inspire use on this SMS journey.
The materials from this session are linked below:
- Briefing Abstracts and Presenter Biographies
- How SM ICG Materials Can Be Used/Integrated into an Airline’s SMS Operation by Pascal Kremer (Luxair)
- SMS Training-Operator’s Challenges by Giancarlo Buono (IATA)
- Delivering SMS Training in an MRO Organization by Jorge Leite (TAP Maintenance and Engineering)
- SMS Training at Transavia by Richard Hol (Transavia)
- Corporate Strategy to Define Competences & Appropriate Trainings by Doctor Claire Pélegrin (Airbus Product Safety)
- SMS Training, Airbus Helicopters’ Approach by Patrick Pezzatini (Airbus Helicopters)
- Safety and Training – FerroNATS Strategy to Manage Safety Through Training by Raquel M. Martínez Arnáiz (FerroNATS)
- Managed Competence, a Key Enabler for Safety Performance by Keven Baines (Baines Simmons)
- Academia and SMS Education – Preparing the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals by Alfred Roelen (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)
Gian-Andrea Bandieri commented:
The intent of SM ICG documentation is understood and organizations are adapting products to suit their needs.
The current SM ICG Chair, Edmund Bohland, Deputy Head of the Policy and Planning Department at EASA, said:
We heard excellent presentations today that are in line with SM ICG work priorities. We have an inspector competency and training project underway and this dialog provided great input. We hope to continue to work together in our efforts to improve aviation safety.
UPDATE December 2015: Seventh SMICG ‘Industry Day’ in Vancouver
The focus of this session was smaller aviation organisations. Trevor Heryet, Executive Regional Director at the Transport Canada Pacific Region, welcomed participants saying:
SMS scalability is an ongoing challenge, whether in fixed or rotary wing organizations. Not everyone here is required to implement SMS and your participation is a show of good, collective leadership. You see the value of SMS and are implementing it voluntarily to benefit your organizations.
The materials from this session are linked below:
- Full Industry Day Article
- Briefing Abstracts and Presenter Biographies
- SM ICG Overview by Simon Roberts (UK CAA)
- SMS for an Intermediate Size Rotary Wing Company with an AMO – Can this system be scaled? by Doug Strachan and Peter Barratt (West Coast Helicopters) – Speaker presented without briefing materials
- Scaling SMS for Airports and Air Operators: From Theory to Practice (How Students Can Help) by Cheryl Cahill (B.C. Institute of Technology)
- Scaling SMS for a Private Operator with AMO and FTU by Michael Coughlin and Marvin Sjerdal (Pacific Sky Aviation)
- Scaling SMS for an Airport by Mike Hooper (Nanaimo Airport)
- Scaling SMS for Hospital Heliports by Tom Vukelich and Edwin Torillo (Fraser Health Authority)
- Integrating SMS with Other Management System Requirements in a Design and Manufacturing Organization by Kevin Lemke (Cascade Aerospace)
- Scaling SMS for a Flight Training Unit with AMO by Clark Duimel (Pacific Flying Club)
- Scaling SMS for an Airline with AMO by Judi Bethune (Flair Airlines)
UPDATE June 2016: Eighth SMICG ‘Industry Day’ in Rome
The focus of this session was SMS in airworthiness organisations. Topics included safety performance metrics research, human factors in maintenance, fatigue risk management and maintenance shift work patterns, the evolution of risk identification, monitoring, and assessment in design, manufacturing, and maintenance organizations, product conformance and its relationship to safety risk, the importance of interactive learning, cooperation between different types of airworthiness organizations, and varying perception of risk at different organizational levels.
- Full Industry Day Article
- Briefing Abstracts and Presenter Biographies
- Measuring Safety in Aviation – Developing Metrics for Safety Management Systems by Robert J. De Boer (University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam)
- Introduction of Just Culture in Alitalia Engineering & Maintenance by Giuseppe Folino (Alitalia)
- SMS Approach in the Design Process by Gökçen Çelebi (Turkish Aerospace Industries)
- Implementation of a Fatigue Risk Management System to Initiate Sustainable Improvements in Maintenance Operations by Antonio Härry (SR Technics)
- Safety Risks in an Airworthiness Organisation – Maintaining a Clear View by Belinda Swain (Rolls-Royce)
- Challenges of Safety Promotion and Learning in a Large Organisation by Neil Hickey (Ryanair)
- Safety Management in the CAMO, an Operator Perspective by Ewout Hiltermann (KLM Cityhopper)
- ‘Risk Culture’ – The Missing Link in ‘Safety Culture’? by Cengiz Turkoglu (International Federation of Airworthiness)
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