Airbus Report: Commercial Aviation Accidents 1958-2013 – A Statistical Analysis

Airbus Report: Commercial Aviation Accidents 1958-2013 – A Statistical Analysis

Airbus have published an analysis report on accidents to western-built commercial air transport jets since 1958. Airbus identify 4 generations of aircraft. generations Over time the usage of these generations has changed. flying hours Of particular interest is Airbus’ claim that the 4th generation has halved the fatal accident rate of the previous generation. last 10 years While fatal Controlled Flight Into Terrain accidents have dropped dramatically and Loss of Control – Inflight accidents have dropped, Runway Excursions have continued more or less unabated. types of accidents Airbus says that new technology aimed at preventing over runs has not achieved enough uptake to affect the statistics at this stage. Boeing ‘s own analysis for 1959-2012 is here.

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