EHOC to Become HeliOffshore

EHOC to Become HeliOffshore

It has been announced that the trade body, the European Helicopter Operators’ Committee (EHOC), is to become HeliOffshore, with an international membership:

One advantage of this change is an improvement in safety communication between operators globally.  This was a point that emerged from the Joint Operators Review currently underway.

Some results of the JOR have been presented recently to the Oil & Gas UK Aviation Seminar  (discussed by Aerossurance here).

UPDATE 26 September 2014: Flight International‘s Dominic Perry has filed this story:

Five of the world’s biggest offshore helicopter operators are to join forces in a new safety initiative to share best practice throughout the industry.

To be based in London, Hel Offshore’s board will comprise executives from . It will be led by Gretchen Haskins, an expert in human factors and a former safety director and board member at the UK Civil Aviation Authority and air navigation service provider NATS.

It build on the work that Avincis, Bristow and CHC have carried out as part of their Joint Operators Review into North Sea helicopter safety – an initiative set up in the wake of a fatal crash in August 2013 off the coast of Shetland.

The formal launch of HeliOffshore will take place later this month, but other operators are already being canvassed over potential membership. The initiative will additionally take over work previously carried out by the European Helicopter Operators Committee.

The formal launch is expected on 21 October 2014 in London.

UPDATE 3 October 2014: Dominic Perry has filed this further story with longer interviews (it is a Flight International ‘Analysis’ article and readers need to register).

UPDATE 21 October 2014: Launch video.

UPDATE 10 February 2015: Aerossurance is pleased to have been accepted as an Alliance Member of HeliOffshore.

Aerossurance has extensive helicopter safety experience.  For helicopter advice you can trust, contact us at: